9Circ Social Illes Balears , és una associació colectiva , dedicada a la difusió i el foment de les arts escèniques i la música de caràcter professional i social
Entenent el circ com a eina d'inclusió social,sensibilització, recreació i creixement personal en igualtat.

Projects or the project..
In projects of a social nature and urban space or other spaces, 9circ produccions works with Nou circ social Illes Balears, a non-profit organisation, which has been developing different events in recent years with three fundamental objectives
1. Raise awareness about realities that we are getting to know, agreeing on their problem and feeling the need to express support through the different existing manifestations in the performing arts, circus, music, radio, workshops, video, photography, talks, round table shows, exhibitions presented by clowns and other artists.
2 Start up, year after year, at least one project with the above characteristics
3 Provide a space for fun and reflection for the attendees of the different projects presented.

The passage of the nameless-Merkerland: synopsis:
Social scenic project carried out in 2016, a gym bed of military clowns was developed who made all visitors to the exhibition of the photographer Xavie Ferrer, "The passage of the nameless" shed their belongings, giving with that name a tribute to all those who They cross the road on the border from Syria to Turkey.
After stripping them of their belongings, there was a guided exhibition of photography and audiovisuals with testimonies recorded on their day at the borders or in no man's land.
Following the guided tour of the exhibition, the actors, La lio parda, joan servera and they showed us through the theater of masks the misfortunes of the civil population in the wars, to end with a round table with refugees welcomed in Mallorca who told us in first person the real reality that we tried to show with our project
To all those who participated in the passage of the nameless, thank you and we continue and will continue to generate proposals hugs.
Project directed by Xavier Ferrer, coordination and production by David Peralta, with the collaboration of: University of the Balearic Islands (Uib Cooperation Office, Department of Civic Rights and Equality, Palma City Council, Department of Immigration and Social Affairs of the Government of the Balearic Islands
Fe chas: 9 to 14 September: Festival of Cultures Circ X Edition
Lloc: social tent located in the pedestrian area of the university campus.
I can consult Xavier Ferrer's blog: http://xavieferre.tumblr.com
Do you need more information? Posa't in contact with us!
Event date: 10/18/2016
Publication date: 07/10/2016
Uib website photo gallery:

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Awareness days with the humor and life corporation, palma 2017
Documentary, talk and show in different public spaces in Palma

Presentation, projects Re-turn to the Middle of the World and humor and life corporation, conference and documentaries on the work of humor and life in Ecuador, work of clowns in communities for inclusion, equality, joy and recreation for the entire community,
The humor and life corporation passed through the Balearic Islands in 2017, for years david peralta and the humor and life corporation had worked as local partners in international cooperation on various projects directed and coordinated by the humor and life corporation
The humor and life corporation passed through the Balearic Islands in 2017, for years david peralta and the humor and life corporation had worked as local partners in international cooperation in various projects directed and coordinated by the humor and life corporation, in these sessions they I present the work carried out over the years, inviting the two cooperators who carried out, on behalf of the crazy circus and the production of David Peralta, the documentary on the community intervention project in Ecuador, a work and product of the humor and life corporation, the two cooperators , the documentary director Elisabeth Sort and the cooperator Sehila Nuñez brought us in their full courtesy the following images of the documentary edited, directed and produced by Elisabeth Sort and assistant to all that Sehila Nuñez, cooperators of the crazy circus year 2011, below the link of the documentary edited in 2013 and presented for the last time at these conferences in 2017, which brought us all together The participants years later in our Mediterranean island.

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Nadal Magic "Awareness campaign amb els epectacles de carrer i espai public
The NADAL MAGIC project is an awareness campaign to make the population aware of the importance of shows and street music, developed in the public space and is a campaign that asks the authorities and institutions to stop putting street art in ordinances that They have nothing to do with this ancient art, which is why we demand, through the Nadal Magic campaign, respect for street artists and the commitment of the institutions that protect this ancient art, today still highly criminalized in many places, in Palma de Mallorca we have been carrying out this campaign for five consecutive years, suspended last year due to the pandemic, this year we will recover it with three performances of Nadal Magic cabaret in neighborhoods and public spaces, from the outskirts of Palma.
Street art is not a crime, protect it

“Tell the story as this legend tells, that minstrels, mimes, clowns, acrobats, dancers, musicians and harlequins filled and fill public spaces with their shows for millennia to the present day, from east to west with their numbers they do and they will do what they always did, laugh, think, denounce, buffoon and express beyond the borders of the imagination.”